Shark Wing / Stealth Wing
Shaped by years of evolution, the SHARK is one of nature's most enduring and successful designs. Our USP carbon fibre riggers, refined through extensive testing, stand up to the rigors that athletes and coaches demand of them.
Stiff. Aero. Tough.
The SHARK Wing Classic (stern) is engineered to be both longitudinally and vertically stiffer than our aluminum riggers. The unibody design is also appreciably lighter. Through development, it endured more than its fair share of abuse—in our standard cyclic rigger testing facility, and in our not-so-standard hammer testing protocol.
The STEALTH Wing is a carbon sweep rigger unlike any other. Developed from a composite mold, the sleek one-piece design requires no additional stay. The STEALTH Wing showcases groundbreaking construction possible only through the vertically-integrated HUDSON manufacturing process that inspires our engineers to rethink design. The result? Greater stiffness and durability than our competitors, built with high quality and consistency.
The rigger's carbon fibre C-bracket easily accommodates oarlock-to-seat height changes and installation of telemetry instruments.
Deeper Dive
For a deeper dive on any of the constituent features that make the SHARK and STEALTH Wings, follow along: